This is the official page of State High School 110 Jakarta, National Adiwiyata (2016) and Independent National Adiwiyata (2018) School from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia. This site is expected to be a medium of information for students, student guardian, Alumni, and public society.
In year 2017, State High School 110 also got the predicate DKI Jakarta Provincial Health School. On that basis, healthy lifestyles, clean, and an environmentally friendly culture is highly respected in schools, as stated in State High School Vision and Mission 110 Jakarta.
State High School 110 located in Koja . District, Tugu Selatan Village, North Jakarta, Jalan Bendungan Melayu No.80, Postal code 14260. State High School 110 could contacted by phone at number (021) 435-0059 and email at [email protected], or follow the school's official social media channels.
"Education is one of the efforts made in order to improve human resources."
Sriyono, M.Pd., M.Si.
Head of High School 110