Masa Orientasi Peserta Didik Baru (MOPDB) merupakan kegiatan yang lazim dilakukan pasca-penyelenggaraan proses penerimaan siswa baru (PPDB) in school. Dulunya kegiatan ini lebih dikenal sebagai OSPEK, dan sering menjadi ajang per-ploncoan antara senior dan junior. Now, orientasi kegiatan tersebut sudah berubah. State High School 110 Jakarta telah melaksanakan proses MOPDB tersebut pada 17 July, dibantu oleh OSIS sekolah dan dewan guru. Bertepatan dengan bulan Ramadhan, acara dibuka dengan kegiatan keagamaan, seperti pengajian bagi siswa Islam dan kebaktian bagi siswa kristen. Untuk pengajian Al-Quran, acara dilaksanakan di masjid Miftahul Ulum yang berada… More »
MOPDB 2013 State High School 110 Jakarta
Serah Terima Jabatan Ka. State High School 110
At the date of 14 Juni yang lalu, High school 110 Jakarta telah melangsungkan acara serah terima jabatan kepala SMA 110. Acara serah terima ini merupakan proses pergantian kepala sekolah SMA Negeri 110, dari sebelumnya dipimpin oleh Ibu Drs. Tuti Rahmani, M.Pd, dan kini diganti oleh Bapak Drs. Suharsono, M.M. Acara dilakukan selepas pelaksanaan wisuda angkatan 22 year 2013 State High School 110, dan dihadiri oleh pihak Suku Dinas Pendidikan Menengah Jakarta Utara dan juga berbagai kepala sekolah SMA di Jakarta. Acara hiburan diisi oleh tarian SAMAN dari siswa-siswi SMA Negeri 110 Jakarta. Kepada… More »
Force Graduation 22 Year 2013 State High School 110
At the date of 14 June 2013 then, State High School 110 has held a graduation ceremony for the 22nd generation. Takes place in the ceremony yard of Public High School 110, the field area was transformed into a graduation venue with a fully closed tent roof. Cool air is flowed from several cooled fans that are spread over several points of the graduation area. Graduation participants are asked to wear traditional clothes, This is indeed instructed by the North Jakarta Education Head to minimize student doodle activities. The implementation of this graduation indeed coincided with the announcement of the results of the national exam for high school students 110. Bersama ini pula diumumkan bahwa… More »
High school 110 Making the Free School Program a Success
at Public High School 110 Jakarta, Contributing to the success of the launching of compulsory education 12 year, This is stated in the silahturahmi event between the guardians and parents as well as giving student cards / free symbolically. This gathering event cannot be separated from the government's free elementary to upper secondary school program. (ELEMENTARY-MIDDLE-HIGH SCHOOL). Currently the government has shared 20 thousand free school cards to high school seniors (High school) country, Vocational High School (SMK) country, and Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) in North Jakarta. With the card, para siswa dijamin untuk memperoleh pendidikan gratis meliputi biaya… More »
Comparative Study to Jogja for Class XI State Senior High School Students 110 Jakarta Academic Year 2011-2012
At the date of 11 up to you 14 May 2012 yesterday, Class XI SMA Negeri 110 Jakarta conducts comparative study to Jogjakarta. Although most people think comparative studies are nothing more than a tourist trip, but it turns out that there are many valuable experiences that are obtained by state high school students 110 in the city of education. In Yogyakarta, The student's position is precisely in Gabugan Village. This village is the hometown of a high school teacher 110, namely Mr. Try Yuliantara. There, students try to get to know and familiarize themselves with the cultural environment of the local community. Rombongan mengambil tempat… More »