Implementation of the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project (P5) this time with the theme of Sustainable Lifestyle with the title of the project: “We Are Proud To Be High School Students 110 and Ready to Realize a Healthy Adiwiyata School”. The learning outcomes in this P5 activity are: Realizing independent learners, creative and have the ability to work together through the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project activities (Sustainable Lifestyle). The dimensions targeted at the students are Mutual Cooperation, Self-sufficient, and Creative. Rapat Pembimbing untuk persiapan dan perencanaan projek Pelaksanaan projek kali ini merupakan pengembangan dari tahun sebelumnya, di mana… More »
Implementation of P5: We Are Proud To Be High School Students 110 and Ready to Realize a Healthy Adiwiyata School
Implementation of P5: Election of Student Council President and Vice President 2023
Project to Strengthen Pancasila Student Profile (P5) In the odd semester of the school year 2023-2024 this time the theme is the Voice of Democracy and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, with the implementation of activities in the form of Election of the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Student Council for class X students (Phase E). The title of this project is “ELECTION OF THE CHAIRMAN AND REPRESENTATIVE OF THE STUDENT COUNCIL OF MY SCHOOL IS FUN WITH DEMOCRACY FOR BHINEKA TUNGGAL IKA”. This project has also been implemented in the previous period, However, for the implementation this year, there are several additional activities, such as also involving the election of the MPK chairman. Some classes are divided into teams with specific division of tasks,… More »
Implementation of P5: Digitizing National and Regional Betawi Songs
Program for the implementation of the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project in State High Schools 110 Jakarta enters the final part in the odd semester of the learning year 2022/2023. This project raised the theme of Engineering and Technology to Build the Republic of Indonesia. The title as implementation in this project is “Digitization of Betawi's National and Regional Compulsory Songs”. The national songs selected for digitization are: Pancasila Student Profile (Class X-A) The seduction of Coconut Island (Class X-B) Independence Day (Class X-C) Indonesia Jaya (Class X-D) Betawi signature songs chosen to be digitized are: Circumference (Class X-E) Ondels (Class X-F) Yellow Betel (Kelas… More »
Implementation of P5: My School Forest My Responsibility
Latest information on State High Schools 110 Jakarta is still about the implementation of the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project (P5). On P5 this time, sekolah mengangkat tema Gaya Hidup Berkelanjutan dengan judul proyek Hutan Sekolahku Tanggung Jawabku. As an Independent Adiwiyata National School, one level above the national level, and Champion of Healthy Schools at the DKI Jakarta Provincial level, of course, you must have a commitment in maintaining and preserving, and increasing the title as an Adiwiyata school and the healthy school. Head of State High School 110 always remind and invite school residents to be committed to maintaining the sustainability of Adiwiyata school. Bahkan beliau… More »
Implementation of P5: The Cultural Diversity of My Proud Country Is Reflected in the Peaceful Bineka School
Project to Strengthen the Profile of Pancasila Students in State High Schools 110 Jakarta continues to be consistently implemented, this time with the theme Bineka Tunggal Ika. On the momentum of the commemoration of Youth Oath Day date 28 October 2022, In addition to the solemn flag ceremony complete with youth pledges represented by participants in the fashion show competition (fashion show) all classes with a variety of traditional and cultural clothing throughout Indonesia, Also filled with art performances in the frame of the month of language and creativity of the students' art. Projek Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila dengan tema Bineka Tunggal Ika ini sangat cocok dan sesuai dengan… More »